
Showing posts from 2009

How to find JVM Memory Utilisation

Wondering how many MB your Cognos JVM (Java Virtual Machine) uses? add '?b_action=/diagnostics' to your c8 URL E.g. http://localhost/cognos8/cgi-bin/cognosisapi.dll?b_action=/diagnostics Provide login credentials if required and the result appears. Diagnostics Dispatcher host="localhost" port="9300" capacity="1.0" Memory Amount_of_free_memory_in_the_system="16199.064 KB" Total_memory_in_the_JVM="130955.776 KB" CM host="localhost" port="9300" Diagnostics

How do you improve performance by reusing cached data when running a report?

Resolving the problem When you run a report, the query request is sent to the database and the result set is returned. After the initial report execution, you may decide to make changes to the report. Often, the report can be created without querying the database again. To take advantage of this, you should turn the query reuse feature on. When query reuse is turned on and you run a report for the first time, the query is stored in the cache of your current session and reused the next time you run the report. The queries are kept in the cache for each user. The cache is cleared when the report consumer exits the reporting tool and returns to the portal or when the report server times out the session, typically after five minutes of inactivity. The first time the report is run and the cache is created, the response time may be slightly negatively impacted. The performance improvement is realized by the report consumer on each subsequent report execution, when the response time is i...

How to extract List of Users Vs Groups from Content Store (c8 . Oracle 10g )

Connect to Content Store Schema using Toad or SQL Navigator and execute below SQL SELECT   v_group_user.user_id, v_user.ldap_id,             LTRIM (RTRIM (UPPER (v_user.ldap_id))), v_group.cmid,             v_group.name_en name_en, v_group.name_fr name_fr, v_group.created,             v_group.modified, v_group.disabled, v_user.last_name,             v_user.first_name,        FROM dba_group_info v_group,             (SELECT cmid GROUP_ID, refcmid user_id                FROM ops$cgs.cmreford1) v_group_user,             (SELECT c33.cmid user_id, UPPER (c33.NAME) ldap_id,                     c1.surname last_name, c1.givenname first_name,          ...

How extract List of Groups (List of English groups) from Content Store

Connect to Content Store Schema using Toad or SQL Navigator and execute below SQL SELECT cmobjnames_base.cmid, cmobjects.pcmid, UPPER (cmobjnames_base.NAME),           cmobjects.created, cmobjects.modified, cmobjects.disabled,           cmobjnames_base.isdefault      FROM cmobjects, cmobjnames_base     WHERE cmobjects.classid IN (26, 54)       AND cmobjnames_base.mapdlocaleid = 24       AND cmobjects.cmid = cmobjnames_base.cmid

How to extract List of Users from Content Store (c8 . Oracle 10g )

Connect to Content Store Schema using Toad or SQL Navigator and execute below SQL SELECT cmobjprops1.cmid, cmobjprops1.busphone,,           cmobjprops1.faxphone, cmobjprops1.givenname, cmobjprops1.homephone,           cmobjprops1.mobilephone, cmobjprops1.pagerphone,           cmobjprops1.paddress, cmobjprops1.surname, cmobjprops1.TIMEZONE,           cmobjprops1.clocaleid, cmobjprops1.prodlocale, cmobjprops1.objid,           cmobjprops1.useaccessibility, cmobjprops33.cmid AS cmid1,           UPPER (cmobjprops33.NAME)      FROM cmobjprops1, cmobjprops33     WHERE cmobjprops1.cmid = cmobjprops33.cmid

Auto Save in Cognos 8 FM

Open Cognos FM Go to Projects > Options Go to Auto Save Tab and Click Auto Save On and enter the time-frame .   Click OK save the setting.

Cognos Visualization - Charts in Cognos 8.4

Chart Types in Cognos 8.4 1. Microcharts 2. Pie Charts 3. Column Charts 4. Marimekko Charts 5. Progressive Column Charts 6. Pareto Charts 7. Win-loss Charts 8. Bar Charts 9. Line Charts 10. Area Charts 11. Combination Charts 12. Radar Charts 13. Scatter Charts 14. Bubble Charts 15. Point Charts 16. Quadrant Charts 17. Polar Charts 18. Metrics Range Charts 19. Gauge Charts 20. Standard Charts 21. Stacked Charts 22. 100 Percent Stacked Charts 23. Three-dimensional Charts

Design Tip #117 Dealing with Data Quality: Don’t Just Sit There, Do Something!

Design Tip #117 Dealing with Data Quality: Don’t Just Sit There, Do Something! Most data quality problems can be traced back to the data capture systems because, historically, they have only been responsible for the level of data quality needed to support transactions. What works for transactions often won’t work for analytics. In fact, many of the attributes we need for analytics are not even necessary for the transactions, and therefore capturing them correctly is just extra work. By requiring better data quality as we move forward, we are requiring the data capture system to meet the needs of both transactions and analytics. Changing the data capture systems to get better data quality is a long term organizational change process. This political journey is often paralyzing for those of us who didn’t expect to be business process engineers in addition to being data warehouse engineers! Do not let this discourage you. You can take some small, productive steps in the short term t...

JavaScript to limit the number of items in multi-select Text Box Prompt - Cognos 8

var form = getFormWarpRequest(); var textBox = form._textEditBoxMarketID; var parent=textBox.parentNode; var select; do { parent= parent.parentNode; var select= parent.getElementsByTagName("select"); } while(select.length ==0); var opt = select[0].childNodes; var length=opt.length if (length > 5) // User can select maximum of 5 values from prompt. { alert("You have selected " + length + " O&Ds, Please select only 5 or less "); } In the above code, MarketID is the ID of the TextEditBox Prompt

Protect and use PDF options in Report output - Cognos 8 Features

· Specify passwords to open PDF reports, use PDF options. 1.   Requires a password to open the report 2.   Requires a password to access options §   Allow changes: 1.   Modify the document's content  2.   Add or modify text annotations  3.   Fill in forms and sign the document  4.   Assemble the document (insert, delete or rotate pages and create navigation elements)  §   Allow content extraction: 1.   Extract text for screen reader devices  2.   Copy of text, images, and other content 

Rename the xls tab with spreadsheet column data using macro

Steps: - Open the xls > go to view tab > click Marco > Type Macro name > Click create button > Ms visual basic screen will appear > copy paste below macro and save > close. - Again click on view macro and select the saved macro and run it. - It will rename the tab name w.r.t A1 column - If you don’t want keep the macro in the xls, just delete b’coz people does't like opening any xls with macro Sub Test() For i = 1 To Sheets.Count Worksheets(i).Name = Sheets(i).Range("A1").Value Next End Sub

Add Conditional Rendering - Cognos 8

Add Conditional Rendering   Add conditional rendering to specify which objects are rendered when a report is run. This is useful when your report contains sensitive data. Conditional rendering is not the same as showing or hiding objects . When you hide an object, the object exists but is transparent. If an object is not rendered, it is not in the report. For a list of objects that can be rendered conditionally, see the Render Variable property in "CONREF to ?ti_rptstd_ref_propnew_NOTGENERATED.xml#report_studio_object_and_prop_ref? To open after import, click ->"  . Steps 1.Select the list column to be rendered conditionally. Tip: You must select the list column, not list column body or list column title. If the body or title is selected, as indicated in the Properties pane, use the select ancestor button to select the list column. 2.In the Properties pane, double-click the Render Variable property. 3.Click Variable and click the variable that will be used t...

Change Your Home Page - Cognos 8

Change Your Home Page You can choose any page in Cognos 8 as your home page. Steps 1. Go to the page you want to set up as your new home page. 2. Next to the home icon , click the arrow, and click Set View as Home

How to combine rows in a list report such that the data within the rows appear on one single row and are comma separated.

How to combine rows in a list report such that the data within the rows appear on one single row and are comma separated. Business Case Requirement is to display the column data in multiple rows of a list report on a single row comma separated. The list report is grouped on 3 other columns. Resolving the problem Add a crosstab object under a new column of the list report and create a master detail relationship between the list query and crosstab query to achieve the desired reports. e.g Using Go Sales(query) sample IBM Cognos package Steps: 1) Create a list report and drag the following into it: Product Line, Product type, Product name from under the Inventory (query) namespace's, Product query subject. 2) Drag a crosstab object to the list report as the 4th column. 3) Select the first 3 columns in the list report (Product Line, Product Type, Product Name) and group the columns. 4) Go to the Query Explorer and select Query 2. From the Inventory(query) namespace, d...

C8: Page Header only on the first page in pdf

This Document describes how to create a Page Header which only displays on the first page regardless of the output format. Resolving the problem Step by Step instruction: 1. In your report add a new list on top of the page. 2. Add a dummy query item (we will remove it later but need it for the next step). 3. Activate overall list header (Menu -> Structure-> Headers & Footers -> List Headers & Footers -> Overall header). 4. Add your page header information to the list header. 5. On properties pane set rows per page to 2. 6. On properties pane check that pagination property "Repeat every page" is unchecked. 7. You can format the list and table in order to meet you wishes. If you now run the report as pdf the table content will only be shown on the first page

Dimensional Coercion Rules - Cognos 8

Dimensional Coercion Rules   To simplify building expressions, Cognos 8 provides coercion rules that automatically convert dimensional types. With coercion rules, you can build simpler expressions, making them easier to understand. In addition to the implicit rules that Cognos 8 provides, you can specify these rules explicitly by using various functions. Cognos 8 supports the following types of coercion:   coercion of an object of one dimensional type into another, such as a level into a member set   coercion of a dimensional object into a numeric, date, time, or string value, such as a numeric measure into a numeric value Coercion rules are applied to expressions and data items. In expressions, an operator or function may require operands to be of a particular dimensional type. When an operand is not of the required type, one or more coercion rules may be applied to coerce the operand to the appropriate type. Coercion rules may also be applied to data items to co...