
Showing posts from 2010

Steps to regenerate cryptographic keys

Question What are the steps to regenerate cryptographic keys ? Answer 1. Open Cognos Configuration. From the File menu, click Export As and save the configuration information in a decrypted format. When naming the file, use a name such as "decrypted.xml". You are prompted to acknowledge that the export is an unsecure operation depending on the version of Cognos being used. Move decrypted.xml to c8_location/configuration directory. 2. Stop the IBM Cognos 8 service: - If you use Tomcat, stop the IBM Cognos 8 service and close IBM Cognos Configuration. - If you use an application server other than Tomcat, shut down IBM Cognos 8 in your environment. 3. Back up any existing cryptographic keys by saving the appropriate files and directories to an alternate location. The files are - c8_location/configuration/cogstartup.xml - c8_location/configuration/caSerial - c8_location/configuration/cogconfig.prefs - c8_location/configuration/coglocale.xml The directories are ...

Whats new with IMB Cognos Business Intelligence_v10.1

Set the Report Size Limit for the Report Data Service

Set the Report Size Limit for the Report Data Service To limit the resources, such as memory, that are used by Report data service, IBM® Cognos® software restricts the size of the report data that can be sent out. If you receive errors in IBM Cognos for Microsoft® Office that a report result is too large, you can increase the size limit for report data by changing the Governor limit setting. The maximum execution time setting has priority over this setting. Steps 1.Start IBM Cognos Connection. 2.In the upper-right corner, click Launch, IBM Cognos Administration. 3.On the Status tab, click System. 4.In the upper-left corner of the Scorecard pane, click the arrow to view the Change view menu. Click Services, and then click Report Data. 5.Click the arrow next to ReportDataService to view the Actions menu, and then click Set properties. 6.Click the Settings tab. 7.In the Value column, change the number for Governor limit (MB). 8.Click OK.

Setting E-mail Attachment Maximum Size Configuration Parameters in Cognos 10

Setting E-mail Attachment Maximum Size Configuration Parameters In IBM® Cognos® BI, you can choose to limit the size of e-mail attachments to avoid potential problems with abnormally large items. The allowable range is from 0-2047 MB. If you do not specify a value, then Cognos Connection applies no restrictions to the size of the e-mail attachment. Before setting the e-mail size limit in Cognos Connection, you must know the e-mail size limit set in the e-mail server. The limit typically set by an e-mail server administrator is from 10 to 25 MB. If you need to deliver reports with a larger file size, consider using a different file transfer method, like FTP or secure copy. If the limit set in Cognos Connection is lower than in the e-mail server, then the Cognos Connection setting overrides the e-mail server setting. For example, if the Cognos limit is 10 MB and the e-mail server limit is 20 MB, then a 15 MB attachment will be replaced with a plain text file containing a warning mes...

Chart Suggestion


IBM Cognos BI V10.1 - IBM Redbooks and Redguide

The IBM Redguide IBM Cognos Business Intelligence V10.1: Intelligence Unleashed highlights features of IBM Cognos BI V10.1 from a business perspective. Use this Redguide to realize the full potential of IBM Cognos BI. The IBM Redbook IBM Cognos Business Intelligence V10.1 Handbook provides in-depth hands-on coverage of IBM Cognos BI V10.1. The book is primarily focused on the roles of Advanced Business User, Professional Report Author, Modeler, Administrator, and IT Architect.

Watch Rules in Saved Reports in Cognos 8.4

Watch Rules in Saved Reports Create a watch rule for a report Use watch rules to monitor user-defined events in saved HTML reports. When the report is saved and the watch rule is satisfied, you are alerted by email or news item. Enable Watch Rules for a Report To allow watch rules for a report, you must have write permission for the report. Steps 1. In IBM Cognos Connection, click the set properties button next to the report. 2. On the Report tab for Report Studio reports, the Query tab for Query Studio reports, or the Analysis tab for Analysis Studio reports, under Advanced options, select the Enable selection-based interactivity in HTML reports and Enable enhanced user features in saved output versions check boxes. Selecting these options specifies that additional context information is saved with the report output. 3. Click OK. After selecting the advanced options, you must run the report and save the report output in HTML format before users can create watch rules. Cre...

Evaluate: IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence online for 4 hrs without installing

Try IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence V8.4.1 online for 4 hours without installing it on your own system (multiple trials allowed). IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence provides complete BI capabilities on a single, service-oriented architecture. Evaluate Cognos 8 Business Intelligence V8.4 online, without installing or configuring it on your own system. Note: When you start your online trial, you will have four hours to explore the product. If you need additional time, you can sign in again. Refer :

CAFE (Cognos Analysis for Excel) Basic

Cognos 8.4 Report Studio: Creating Global Filters and Shared Drills for ...

How to add an extra row on top of the list (Cognos 8)

1. Add a List page header 2. Add a list row cell above list page header so you have 2 rows in your header (done form the Structure menu) 3. Unlock your report 4. Split your header row 5. Drag your column titles into the bottom row 6. Join your top columns based on your criteria. 7. Do your formatting (if using Cognos default change the class to list column title cell) 8. Go to your list properties and Change Column Titles to 'Hide' 9. Run your report. Your Column titles should appear at the start of each page.

How to Insert Multiple Values in Text Prompt and Get Filtered in the Prompt?

Use below code in filter: ((#sq(prompt('P_PARAMETER', 'token', 'testValue'))# 'testValue') and FM.QUERY_SUBJECT.QUERY_ITEM in (#csv( split(',', substitute(' ','', prompt('P_PARAMETER', 'token')) ) )#) ) or ((#sq(prompt('P_PARAMETER', 'token', 'testValue'))# = 'testValue'))

Scheduled Report is getting failed and not delivered to the specified email id in Cognos 8.4

Scheduled Report is getting failed and not delivered to the specified email id in Cognos 8.4 Reason for getting failed : RSV-DST-0004 You must save the report output before you can mail a report link. When you selected to send the report, You haven't set to save to report, but you have selected to send the report output link along with the report output. This case it will fail b'coz there is no report saved to send the output link in the mail so please uncheck the same and try again. Bug reported to Cognos and its been fixed in Cognos 8.4.1 version

Is IBM Cognos truly 64-bit?

What does it mean to run in 64 bit? The most common understanding is that running on a 64-bit platform will allow your applications to access far more physical memory than what was previously available within the constraints of a 32-bit architecture. In addition, many applications can take advantage of the 64-bit registers to allow for faster and more efficient execution. Of course for an existing 32-bit application to work with these new capabilities it must often be completely rewritten and compiled to utilize these advantages. This can be a very expensive proposition for many software companies and in many cases they will simply rewrite or recompile those components of their code that can be easily ported, at a minimal cost, to true 64-bit architecture. For example, java applications are architecture agnostic meaning that a complied Java program can run in either a 64-bit or 32-bit Java virtual machine (JVM). 64-bit BI SDK - Yes BI Samples - Yes BI Modeling - No BI Se...

How to configure the Cognos 8 gateway in IIS 7.0

How to configure the Cognos 8 gateway in IIS 7.0 Environment Windows Server 2008 Resolving the problem In IIS Manager, create the Cognos 8 virtual directories, enable the gateway under ISAPI and CGI Restrictions, and add a Handler Mapping for the gateway. Edit the IIS configuration file and add the attribute allowPathInfo='true'. Steps: 1. In the left Connections pane, expand the server node, expand Sites, right-click on Default Website, and click Add Virtual Directory. 2. Enter 'cognos8' for the Alias and enter the path to the c8/webcontent directory in Physical Path (default C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\webcontent). Click OK. 3. Right click on the newly-created cognos8 Virtual Directory and click Add Virtual Directory 4. Enter 'cgi-bin' for the Alias and enter the path to the c8/cgi-bin directory in Physical Path (default C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\cgi-bin). Click OK. 5. Right click on the cognos8 Virtual Directory again and click Add Virtual...