
Showing posts from January, 2011

How-to video - IBM Cognos 10

This how-to video could not be accessed

Problem : Within Business Insight, clicking the How-To Videos link under the Help menu results in the error: This how-to video could not be accessed. A network policy or firewall could be blocking your access to the public IBM Web site that hosts the how-to videos.   Symptom This how-to video could not be accessed.   Cause IBM Cognos Application Firewall preventing access to IBM site. Environment IBM Cognos 10 Resolving the problem 1) Open IBM Cognos Configuration tool 2) Select IBM Cognos Application Firewall (on the left side) 3) Click on Valid domains or hosts (on the right side) 4) Add * as a valid domain 5) Save the configuration and restart the IBM Cognos service.

Required Database Permissions for IBM Cognos Content Store

What are the required database account permissions for Cognos content store? SQL Server - Grant create and drop table privileges for the database to the user account. - Ensure that the user account is a member of the db_ddladmin, db_datareader, and db_datawriter roles. - Ensure that the user is the owner of their default schema. Oracle - connect to the database. - create, alter, and drop tables, triggers, views, procedures, and sequences (all permissions must be granted directly to the user account rather than to a role). - insert, update, and delete data in the database tables Sybase - Grant create and drop table privileges on the database to the user account. - Ensure that the user account has the following privileges for the database: create default, create procedure, create rule, create table, and create view. DB2 - Grant create and drop table privileges on the database to the user account. - Ensure that the user account has CREATETAB, CONNECT and IMPLICITSCHEMA p...

IBM Publish a Proven Practice Document - Configuring IBM Cognos BI on IIS7

How to recover a Framework Manager model from the content store in Cognos 8

Problem How to recover a Framework Manager model from the content store in Cognos 8 (in case the Framework Manager project directory was corrupted or deleted ). Environment : Cognos 8 Solution It is possible to recover a model from the project store by creating a cqeconfig.xml file in the /bin directory, and accessing the deleted model within Cognos 8 Report Studio. The model will be saved within the /data/cqe/rtmodel directory. Access the model by creating an empty model in Framework Manager, and overwriting the model.xml file with the xml file extracted from the content store. Steps: 1. Create a cqeconfig.xml file and save under /configuration Place the following in the file. Due to this file the XML version of the model will be stored in the rtmodel directory as well: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <configuration company="Cognos" version="0.1" rendition="cer2"> <component name="CQE"...

What are RTModels?

What is a RTModel and can they be deleted? Solution RTModels (Run Time Models) are a compiled representation of the models pulled from the Content Store database. When the package is updated or if there is no RTModel file available in the data directory, one is recompiled when the package is accessed. The previous version of the RTmodel file are not deleted These files in this directory c8/data/cqe/ are local copies of the Run Time Model. In the configuration manager you can change this location under environment -> 'Data Files Location'. Restart Cognos 8 service and the RTModels will be created there. RTModel files are created when the first user has accessed the published package. These files can be deleted, but will be recreated again once the package is accessed again.

How To: Trace BIBusTKServerMain Memory Usage in Windows

Problem(Abstract) The following steps can be used to trace the memory usage of the BIBusTKServerMain.exe process using the Windows Performance administrative tool. These steps will log the private bytes, virtual bytes, and virtual bytes (peak) at one minute intervals and log them to a CSV file. This file can then be opened in an application like Microsoft Excel and can be charted to look for trends in memory usage. Resolving the problem - Open the "Performance" Control Panel under Administrative Tools. - Expand "Performance Logs and Alerts". - Right-click on "Counter Logs" and select "New Log Settings". - Name the log "BIBus Memory Tracing". - Click on "Add Counters". - Under the "Performance Object" in "Add Counters" select "Process" - Ensure that "BIBusTKServerMain" is selected under "Select instances from list". - In the "Select counters from list" ...