Disable Selection-based Interactivity

You can disable selection-based interactivity for an HTML report that is viewed in Cognos Viewer to shorten the time that it takes the report to run. After you disable this functionality, you cannot:

    drill up and down in a report

    drill through to other reports

    use Cognos Search

    use conditional report delivery

    use agent notification

If selection-based interactivity is enabled in IBM Cognos Connection, a user can perform drill up and down and drill-through actions in Report Viewer or Query Studio. If selection-based interactivity is disabled in IBM Cognos Connection, the ability to perform drill up and down and drill-through are disabled regardless of how the drill through definitions and settings are authored in Report Studio and IBM Cognos Connection.

Selection-based interactivity is enabled by default.

Tip: You can instead enable or disable selection-based interactivity for the current run only.

Click Run with options next to the report and then click Advanced options. Click Enable selection-based interactivity in HTML reports.

    In IBM Cognos Connection, click the set properties button  on the actions toolbar to the right of the report.

    Click the Report tab for a Report Studio report, the Query tab for a Query Studio report, or the Analysis tab for an Analysis Studio report.

    Tip: Disabling selection-based interactivity on an Analysis Studio report has no effect.

    Click Advanced options.

    Clear the Enable selection-based interactivity in HTML reports check box.

Note that disabling selection-based interactivity on an Analysis Studio report has not effect.


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