Additional popup window opens while openining Report Studio, Business Insight Advanced in Cognos 8 and Cognos 10

1. Go to <C8 install>\webcontent\pat folder                           
2. In the pat folder, locate rsapp.htm and make a copy of this file as a
3. Open rsapp.htm in any editor preferably HTML editor and scroll to the bottom
of this file.                                                   
4. The last line reads                                                 
5. Add a new line before this line,                                   
6. Paste the following text on this 2nd last line which is empty right 
<script>var myparent = window.opener; myparent.close();</script>     
7. Save the rsapp.htm.    (Ensure you save this file against as HTML


  1. Thanks so much--I've been looking for a fix for this for a long time.



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