How can you extract all user information from Cognos Access Manager Namespace Report Utility and create Cognos Report out of it?

The AM_NamespaceReport Utility allows you to extract the namespace to an XML file.

1. Use the AM_NamespaceReport Utility to extract all users from the namespace to an XML file.

am_namespacereport -h << host >> -p << port >> -r << basedn >> -n << namespace >> -D << username >> -w << password >> -f all -o << path to filename.xml >>

am_namespacereport -h cognoscamsevr -p 4004 -r –n devcam -D admin -w admin -f all -o c:\temp\usrlst.xml

2. This will extract all user information to an XML file
3. Import the xml file into XLS spread sheet
4. Create ODBC connection using the ms-excel spread sheet driver
5. Create Data Source Connection and proceed creating FM Model & Publish
6. Create Report using Report Studio.
7. Save & Share the report

The Access Manager Administration Guide (Appendix A) contains further information on this functionality.


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