How to undestand/use the Access Manager Namespace Utility Output

How to extract the Namespace data: Refer blog >> How can you extract all user information from Cognos Access Manager Namespace Report Utility and create Cognos Report out of it?

After import xml file into spread sheet, this is the way to interpret.

About the data:
- You will see multiple rows for each user, example, if the user associated with 4 user class 2 Data source then you will see 4 rows for user class, 2 for data source and additional 5 more rows
o one for public
o one for roles either - Administrator, Author , Consumer etc
o one for Basic Signon (Note – NO BasicSigon Included in access manager – No rows appears)
o one for OsSignon
o one for Description – if its filled in
- Use name2 column and filter on Administrator, Author , Consumer etc
- When you apply filter on name2, you may get additional rows with name2 column empty and name3 column filled, this means they have access to those data source.

The Access Manager Administration Guide (Appendix A) contains further information on this functionality
