Cognos 8 Services Definitions

Presentation Service
The presentation service handles requests for Cognos Connection, Query Studio, and Event Studio.

Report Service
The report service handles interactive requests to run reports and provides output for a user in Cognos Connection or a studio.

Report Data Service
The report data service handles requests to import Cognos report data to Microsoft Office workbooks and presentations through Cognos Office Connection.

Batch Report Service
The batch report service handles background requests to run reports and provides output on behalf of the monitoring service.

Job Service
The job service runs jobs by signaling the monitoring service to run job steps in the background. Steps include reports, other jobs, import, exports, and so on.

Monitoring Service
The monitoring service assigns a target service to handle a scheduled task. For example, the monitoring service may ask the batch report service to run a report, the job service to run a job, or the agent service to run an agent. The monitoring service will monitor the running of the task and collect and save history information for the task. The monitoring service can also take control of asynchronous service conversations on behalf of the client, such as if a user asks to run an interactive report in the background.

Log Service
The log service manages all logs generated by the dispatcher and other services. The log service can be configured to record log information in a file, a database, a remote log server, Windows Event Viewer, or a UNIX system log.

Content Manager Service
The Content Manager Service performs object manipulation functions in the content store, such as add, query, update, delete, move, and copy.

Metrics Manager Service
The Metrics Manager Service provides the Metric Studio user interface for monitoring and entering performance information.

Data Integration Service
The data integration service controls the loading of metrics data and the calculation of metrics status for scorecarding in Metric Studio.

Delivery Service
The delivery service sends emails on behalf of other services, such as the report service, job service, agent service, or data integration service.

Event Management Service
The event management service manages scheduled tasks. When a scheduled task begins to run, the event management service asks the monitoring service to begin running the task.

Agent Service
The agent service runs agents. If the conditions for an agent are met when the agent runs, the agent service asks the monitoring service to run the tasks.

System Service
The system service defines the Business Intelligence Bus API-compliant service used to obtain application-wide Cognos 8 configuration parameters. It also provides methods that normalize and validate locale strings and map locale strings to locales supported by the application.
