RSV-VAL-0032 expression is not valid. If the item exists in a query but is not referenced in the layout, add it to a property list. CRX-API-0005 An error ocurred at or near the position '0'.

RSV-VAL-0032 The following expression is not valid: [AdjRowsReturned] = 0. If the item exists in a query but is not referenced in the layout, add it to a property list. CRX-API-0005 An error ocurred at or near the position '0'. The variable named '[AdjRowsReturned]' is invalid

You might have used the calculated data item in the variable, which needs to be added in the page properties.
- Click on the page and go to properties. Make sure you see 'page' on the top of the properties.
- Click on properties icon under data section, you'll get pop up icon
- Check mark the data item which is used for variable calc.

You are good to go.Find the snapshot.



  1. Hi,
    I have a query say Xyz under which I created a data item named TotalCount which simply have count([Policy Name]).
    It counts the policy returned by the query.

    I display it on page and could see the accurate count.

    Now I create a boolean variable named IsPolicyFound and in its expression I select the TotalPolicies from Xyz Query. So it looks like


    Now I added TotalPolicies data item to Page Properties with Query Xyz

    After this when I run my report, I could only see the count coming to 1 even though if I have 4 policies displayed on the page.

    I am using cognos 10.2 version.

    Any hint please let me know.


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