Is IBM Cognos truly 64-bit?

What does it mean to run in 64 bit?

The most common understanding is that running on a 64-bit platform will allow your applications to access far more physical memory than what was previously available within the constraints of a 32-bit architecture. In addition, many applications can take advantage of the 64-bit registers to allow for faster and more efficient execution. Of course for an existing 32-bit application to work with these new capabilities it must often be completely rewritten and compiled to utilize these advantages. This can be a very expensive proposition for many software companies and in many cases they will simply rewrite or recompile those components of their code that can be easily ported, at a minimal cost, to true 64-bit architecture. For example, java applications are architecture agnostic meaning that a complied Java program can run in either a 64-bit or 32-bit Java virtual machine (JVM).

BI SDK - Yes
BI Samples - Yes
BI Modeling - No
BI Server - Yes
Go! Dashboard - Yes
Go! Search - Yes
Metrics Server - No
Metrics Modeling - No
Virtual View Manager - No
Go! Office - No
Analysis for Excel - No
Data Manager - Yes
PowerPlay Server - No
PowerPlay Client - No
BI Transformer - No
Controller - No
Planning - No


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