Watch Rules in Saved Reports in Cognos 8.4

Watch Rules in Saved Reports

Create a watch rule for a report
Use watch rules to monitor user-defined events in saved HTML reports. When the report is saved and the watch rule is satisfied, you are alerted by email or news item.
Enable Watch Rules for a Report
To allow watch rules for a report, you must have write permission for the report.
1. In IBM Cognos Connection, click the set properties button next to the report.
2. On the Report tab for Report Studio reports, the Query tab for Query Studio reports, or the Analysis tab for Analysis Studio reports, under Advanced options, select the Enable selection-based interactivity in HTML reports and Enable enhanced user features in saved output versions check boxes.
Selecting these options specifies that additional context information is saved with the report output.
3. Click OK.
After selecting the advanced options, you must run the report and save the report output in HTML format before users can create watch rules.

Create a Watch Rule for a Report
1. In the IBM Cognos Connection portal, go to the saved HTML report and open it in Cognos Viewer.
2. In the report, click a numeric data item, right-click, and then click Alert Using New Watch Rule.
3. In the Specify the rule - Alert Using New Watch Rule page, in the conditional expression that appears, click the down arrow, click the expression you want for the watch rule, for example, >= (greater than or equal), and specify a value in the box.
4. Under For the selected context, click the report items to which the rule applies.
5. Click Next.
6. In the Specify the alert type page, specify how you want to be alerted when the rule is satisfied:
o To be alerted by email, select the Send the report by email check box. If you want to change the email options, click Edit the options.
o To be alerted by news item, select the Publish a news item check box. If you want to change the news item options, click Edit the options.
7. Click Next.
8. In the Specify a name and description - Alert Using New Watch Rule page, specify a name, description, and location for the watch rule.
You can organize watch rules in folders on the Rules tab of the My Watch Items area of the portal.
9. Click Finish.
You can also delete and edit watch rules from the My Watch Items area of the portal.

To modify or delete a watch rule, you must have write access to the rule.
1. Open the saved report output in Cognos Viewer.
2. On the toolbar, click Watch New Versions and, while hovering over the watch rule, from the submenu,
o click Modify to edit the watch rule. The Set properties dialog box appears. Proceed to step 3.
o click Delete to delete the watch rule.
3. Click the General tab to change properties, such as the language, name, and description of the watch rule.
4. Click the Rules tab to edit the rules properties, such as the conditional expression for the rule, the items to which the rule applies, and the alert type.
Note that the changes you make to a watch rule in Cognos Viewer are made also in the My Watch Items area of the portal.

My Watch Items
Use the My Watch Items area of the portal to view and manage watch items from a single location. Watch items include alert lists and watch rules that help you monitor business events that are important to you.
The Alerts tab shows the alert lists to which you belong. Use this tab to remove yourself from the alert list for a report or agent.
The Rules tab shows the watch rules you created in saved HTML report output. Use this tab to
• Edit a watch rule
• Enable or disable a watch rule.
• Organize watch rules in folders.
• Delete a watch rule.
• Edit the My Watch Items page properties.
You can also add yourself to the alert list for a report , add yourself to the alert list for an agent , and create a watch rule for a report .
The report owner must allow report users to receive alerts and create watch rules for the report.

View Watch Items
To view the alerts lists to which you belong and the watch rules you created, use the My Watch Items area of the portal.
You can also remove yourself from an alert list, and edit a watch rule .
1. In IBM Cognos Connection, in the upper-right corner, click My Area , My Watch Items.
2. To view your alerts lists, click Alerts.
3. To view your watch rules, click Rules.

Remove Yourself from an Alert List
To remove yourself from an alert list for a report or agent, use the My Watch Items area of the portal.
When you are added to an alert list, you receive an email notification when the report, or report associated with the agent task, is saved. After removing yourself from an alert list, you are no longer alerted.
Tip: You can also add or remove yourself from an alert list for a report using the Report tab of the Set Properties page . For an agent, you can use the Agents tab of the Set Properties page .
1. In IBM Cognos Connection, in the upper-right corner, click My Area , My Watch Items.
2. Click the Alerts tab, and in the Source column, click the alert list to remove.
You can select multiple alert lists.
3. Click the remove me from the alert list button.
4. Click the refresh button.
Note that the alert list is removed from the Source column.

Edit a Watch Rule
After creating watch rules in saved HTML report output, you can edit them from the My Watch Items area of the portal. For example, you can change the general properties, such as name, language, and description. You can also change the properties, such as rule condition, context, and alert type.
To edit a watch rule in IBM Cognos Connection, you must have read and write permission to the My Watch Items page.
1. In IBM Cognos Connection, in the upper-right corner, click the my area button , and click My Watch Items.
2. Click the Rules tab, and in the Actions column, click the set properties button for the watch rule you want to edit.
3. Use the Set properties page, General tab, to change the properties, such as name, language, or description for the watch rule.
4. Use the Set properties page, Rule tab, to change the properties, such as rule, context, and alert type for the watch rule.
o To change a rule, in the Rule section, click the condition that appears, for example, > (greater than), click a new condition in the list, and specify a value for the condition in the box.
o To change the context, under For the selected context, select the check box next to the report items you want to include.
o To edit the alert type, under Alert type, select the alert type, if it is not already selected. Next to the alert type, click Edit the options.


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